Welcome to Year 1!
A warm welcome to all our new Year 1 children and families. It has been lovely getting to know the children and Mrs Hachar and I are so proud of how quickly the children have adapted and settled into their new environment. We are looking forward to an exciting year and creating memories together.
Since we started, we have spent time discussing our class expectations and the responsibilities involved when being a ‘Star Helper’.
During our RE lessons, the children have been thinking about our ‘Mission Statement’ and learning about St Dominic. We began our new topic on ‘Families’ and the children have been discussing how every family is different, and how we can show care and love to each other.
In English, the children have begun listening to traditional fairy tales. They have been using their phonic knowledge to write lists and will progress to writing labels and captions next week.
Through our Maths lessons, we have been learning about ‘Ordinal Numbers’. The children have also been using ‘Positional Language’ to describe the position of objects around the classroom such as left, right, above, below, inside…
On Friday, the children were all given login details for ‘Numbots’. This is a website that will enable the children to develop confidence and fluency in addition and subtraction. We have had the opportunity to access this website in school. Please let me know if you have any problems logging on at home and I will do my best to sort it out.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Myers and Mrs Hachar